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Posts tagged ‘collagen nails’

Chart: Collagen Strengthens Joints, Bones, Nails, Hair and Skin

Here is an interesting chart below that includes seven major health and beauty benefits of collagen. Collagen forms the basic building blocks of joints and bones and is also found in nails, hair, and skin.

MSM, or natural organic sulfur, is known to build and support collagen in tissues and help with joint stiffness and pain, arthritis, allergies, hair growth, stronger nails and increased energy.

In one study of MSM done at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, the mineral was shown to produce significant decreases in pain and observable improvement in physical function.  In another study of MSM published in Total Health Magazine, the researchers found that 100% of the participants had increased hair growth after six weeks of use.

This health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of Joints and More with Natural MSM.

CollagenProvided by Nutrition Breakthroughs